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Choosing the right surface for your drive way

Driveway Surface

The driveway is one of the first things that people see when they get into a home. Therefore, its appearance can significantly affect the overall aesthetic value of a property. It also serves a critical practical purpose, and therefore, its type and condition can affect its market value. Therefore, whether you are building a new house or renovating an old one, this is an area that you need to give a lot of attention to.

As you work on your home’s driveway design, you have to remember that the quality and the appearance of a driveway depend on the driveway’s surface materials. Below are some factors that you need to consider to choose the best driveway surface.


Cost is one of the most important factors you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right driveway surface for your home. It varies widely depending on the price of the driveway material that you decide to use. If you are on a tight budget but still want to have a beautiful driveway for your home, you can consider going for inexpensive driveway surface options such as resin, concrete, brick pavers, gravel, or asphalt. If money is not a problem on your part, you can go for high-end paving options such as travertine tiles or even granite driveways.


Driveway maintenance includes what needs to be done to keep a driveway beautiful and usable. Maintaining some driveway surfaces is not easy, and therefore, if you do not have the necessary amount of time and money for it, you need to invest in a driveway that requires minimum maintenance. For instance, although pavers are quite expensive to install, they don’t require a lot of maintenance, and they can last for more than two decades. On the other hand, a gravel driveway is easy to install, but it can be quite difficult to keep it looking great. If you need a driveway that is easy to install and maintain, a resin bound driveway is your best bet.


Whichever driveway surface you choose, it will cost you a significant amount of money, and as such, you do not want to think of replacing it soon. Therefore, durability is a critical factor to consider when it comes to choosing the right driveway for your home. However, there is a link between the durability, appearance, and cost of a driveway. For instance, although concrete is one of the most durable paving materials, it is also relatively expensive to install and maintain. On the other hand, although gravel driveways are easy to install, they are not as aesthetically appealing as pavers driveways. Therefore, as you choose the appropriate paving surface for your driveway, you need to strike a balance between durability and cost.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that if you are planning to install a driveway in your home, there are several options that you have, and you can make your choice depending on your budget, maintenance requirement, and durability of the driveway surface. If you do not know where to start, you can consult a driveway expert, such as First Impressions Yorkshire. Experts have the necessary experience and technical know-how to guide you. Contact First Impressions Yorkshire, and rest assured that you won’t go wrong insofar as installing and maintaining your home’s driveway is concerned.